Dear Soldiers Pass Road Interested Party:
The objection process for the Soldiers Pass Motorized Use Environmental Assessment ended Jan. 17, 2017. The Regional Forester has provided instructions to the Coconino National Forest as to how to address the issues raised by objectors and to modify the draft decision. The attached letter details these instructions.
Hello Everyone,
I hope the New Year is off to a great start for you all. I’m sending this email to share details of planned parking restrictions to be implemented by the City, in our neighborhood this Spring. You are likely aware many residents have been engaged with a couple of items intended at helping maintain / return tranquility to our community. 1)Lobbying the Forest Service to reduce vehicle use on Soldiers Pass Trail 2)Lobbying the City of Sedona to manage trail head overflow street parking (and associated issues) For item #1 the Forest Service is due to issue their decision by January 17th. Concerned residents are hoping for a sensible and appropriate decision that will positively impact both the future of the trail / environment, and community. For item #2, residents who attended the December City Council meeting will recall Council members debating with City representatives how to mitigate traffic / parking issues in the City, on a broad basis, and within Shadow Estates based on repeated resident input. While acknowledging other neighborhoods in town have similar issues requiring a holistic approach to secure a full resolution, Council moved to support action within Shadow Estates. Specifically, Council provided the City with direction to implement parking restrictions on Shadow Estates streets that have been most directly impacted by excessive parking. These changes will help inform the City of the impact such restrictions have; with potential implementation of similar restrictions on other streets in the City. Last week, Craig Sigler and I met with City representatives to review the proposed parking restrictions, which the City would like to implement late February. Please see the attached documents provided by the City and my attempt at answering questions you might have about these parking changes. Feel free to email me if you need further clarification and I’ll do my best to provide it. Q: Why are these parking restrictions necessary? A: A number of streets in our community have experienced a growing volume of trail head overflow parking resulting in numerous issues for residents on those streets. Also, current no parking signage is sporadic, making ticketing awkward for the police department due to difficulty with enforcement in court. Q. Where will street parking no longer be allowed in Shadow Estates? A: Wherever you see red lines marked along the edge of the street, as depicted in the Project Plan PDF attachment. NOTE: No actual lines will be painted on streets. Q: Will parking be allowed at any time of the day or are these restrictions in effect day and night? A: Parking restrictions will only be in effect during dawn to dusk Q: What will happen to the existing No Parking signs? A: They will be removed as they will no longer be needed. New style signage is designed to be enforceable by the police department / court, despite the number of new signs being fewer than the existing. Q: Now that more street parking will be available / legal overnight, can we expect RVs and other vehicle camping in the neighborhood, overnight? A: While it is technically possible, this has not been an issue in the community in the past, so it’s unlikely to become an issue due to these changes. If residents do ever notice such activity the police department may be notified and they will ask the occupants of the vehicle to move on. Q: Where will contractors / service providers park when they are visiting or working on my home / property? A: Contractors / service providers will be subject to the new parking restrictions and will need to park off of the street, on a resident’s driveway Q: If I have a large group event at my home during the daytime, where will guests park their vehicles? A: In such instances, residents might employ a proactive approach by suggesting carpooling to guests, asking neighbors for temporary use of their driveway(s), or arranging for a valet parking solution Q: What parking restrictions will there be to the pull-outs by the community mailbox? A: While these pull-outs are technically part of the City streets, a 15 minute parking restriction seems most suitable for these areas and will be implemented. There are three most probable scenarios: i)Residents parking for a couple of minutes to pick up mail will not be impacted ii)Residents wishing to leave their vehicle in these spaces for longer than 15 minutes and spend time in the park would only be subject to a ticket if a police officer comes by and makes specific note of the vehicle and time which initiates a 15 minute time period before a ticket may be issued. Likely the resident will be close by their vehicle so would observe the police officer, allowing them 15 minutes from that point in time to move their vehicle. iii)Non-residents who park in these spaces and go off to hike will be ticketed if they are not present at their vehicle and more than 15 minutes parking is noted to occur by a police officer. Q: What is being done to help ensure visitors don’t receive a ticket for mistakenly parking illegally within Shadow Estates? A: Besides adequate new street signage, the City will work with the Forest Service to install signage (attached) in Soldiers Pass trail head parking lot. The signage will remind visitors that is they are parked on a street designated on the map they are subject to ticketing and should return to their vehicle and seek out a legal parking space. Regards, Del Weston --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
What: Meeting with Forest Service Deputy Regional Forester (Jim Churchill) Why: To impact the final decision on Soldiers Pass trail motorized vehicle use When: Tuesday December 13th at 4:00pm Where: 25 Canyon Shadows Drive (home of Craig and Sue Sigler) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Everyone, As you will recall, the Forest Service recently made a draft decision to reduce motorized vehicle use on Soldiers Pass trail (Option B - limited motorized use by Red Rock Jeep). As anticipated, there have been objections to this draft decision from both the public and local motorized vehicle rental companies. The Forest Service Deputy Regional Forester (Jim Churchill), who will make the final decision on this issue, plans to meet with legitimate objectors in Flagstaff, next week. The day prior, Tuesday December 13th at 4:00pm, Mr. Churchill would like to meet with homeowners here at Shadow Estates. While Mr. Churchill has read all project documents, including the environmental analysis, this meeting provides an additional opportunity for input into his final decision (e.g. to uphold the draft decision or to modify it). It is absolutely critical we achieve solid attendance by our residents at this meeting allowing us to present a highly cohesive message around the key issues:
Please RSVP to this email to confirm your attendance. I understand this is a busy time of year but your attendance is crucial to helping secure a win on this issue. Thank you Del Weston (On behalf of the SEHA Board) Hello Everyone,
It’s time to RSVP for the annual SEHA Holiday Party.
Please RSVP to this email by November 30th so our volunteer organizers can plan accordingly. We look forward to seeing you. Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving. Sincerely, Del Weston On behalf of your Shadow Estates HOA Board – Tom Burris (VP), Noreen Wienges (Treasurer), Joel Frey (Secretary), Craig Sigler (Member at Large – ARC Chairperson), Del Weston (President) Hello Everyone,
I hope this email finds you well. One of our residents has found a brooch at the community mailbox. The brooch is in the shape of an insect and appears to be quite unique. Please email or call me if this is your lost item so I can arrange for you to be reunited with it. Other items of interest………… Holiday Party
Soldiers Pass Motorized Trail Use
Soldiers Pass Trail Head Overflow Parking
Have a great Thanksgiving! Regards, Del Weston On behalf of your Shadow Estates HOA Board – Tom Burris (VP), Noreen Wienges (Treasurer), Joel Frey (Secretary), Craig Sigler (Member at Large – ARC Chairperson), Del Weston (President) Hello everyone,
I received the following communication via my subscription to the City’s email notifications. For those not subscribed, I thought I’d share this in case any of you are interested in attending. It’s an interesting topic and one that impacts us all. Also, if you’ve not yet checked out the SEHA website, please visit Please let me know if you have any suggestions or additional content you’ve like to see added. Regards, Del Weston (On behalf of your SEHA Board) Learn about Tree Care and Firewise Education in Upcoming WorkshopPost Date: 10/05/2016 1:32 PM The city of Sedona’s Parks and Recreation Department invites residents to a free workshop, Homeowners’ Tree Workshop and Firewise Education, on Saturday, November 5, 2016 from 9 a.m. to noon to learn how to properly select, plant and maintain heathy trees, while also learning ways to protect homes against wildfire. The Parks and Recreation Department, in cooperation with a certified arborist from the Arizona Community Tree Council, U.S. Forest Service and Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management will come together to host this one-time workshop. “We think this is a great opportunity to partner with these organizations and hope the community will take advantage of the valuable information from this workshop on tree planting and wildfire protection,” said Ali Baxter, recreation coordinator, city of Sedona Parks and Recreation Department. The workshop will be held in the Recreation Room at Posse Grounds Park at 525 Posse Ground Road. Register online at Walk-ins are also welcome. For more information on this workshop, visit and navigate to the “Sports and Specialty Classes” section of the web page or email questions to [email protected]. Hello Everyone,
I hope you are doing well. Here are some recent community updates for your review. 1.Soldiers Pass Motorized Use Project Update - Draft Decision Published The Forest Service has made a decision on motorized trail use of Soldiers Pass Trail. An objection period still stands, however, the decision appears favorable for us. Please see the attached for more detail. A special thanks to Bill Stankey for his volunteer efforts with this project. 2.Denice and David Roesler (30 Canyon Shadows Dr.) have graciously offered to host the 2016 holiday get-together. The event will be held Saturday December 10, from 4:00-7:00pm. More details to follow. Please save the date. 3.A Shadow Estates HOA website is now live at and will be a central resource for our members. Be sure to bookmark the site in your PC favorites and use to access the following:
4.Open volunteer positions – the Board is still seeking a chairperson to lead our Community Events committee. Time investment is relatively minimal and could certainly be shared with other committee members. The chairperson would oversee logistics for the summer picnic in the park, the holiday party, and any additional events to be added. Please contact me if you are interested in helping out with this role. Thank you! Thanks everyone and wishing you a wonderful Fall season. Regards, Del Weston On behalf of your Shadow Estates HOA Board – Tom Burris (VP), Noreen Wienges (Treasurer), Joel Frey (Secretary), Craig Sigler (Member at Large – ARC Chairperson), Del Weston (President) Hello Everyone,
I hope you’ve enjoyed the summer and this email finds you well. Your HOA Board met this past week and there are a few updates we would like to share with you. Holiday Party
Community Events Committee Chairperson
Trailhead Usage
Trailhead Overflow Street Parking
Road Surface Seal Coating
Park Ysabel
Have a great Labor Day weekend! Regards, Del Weston On behalf of your Shadow Estates HOA Board – Tom Burris (VP), Noreen Wienges (Treasurer), Joel Frey (Secretary), Craig Sigler (Member at Large – ARC Chairperson), Del Weston (President) Please excuse the mess as the Sedona Arizona SEHA website is currently under construction.
SEHASedona Arizona Shadow Estates Homeowner Association Archives
March 2021
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